The following are the most common problems you can encounter with your Smart Miniatures.
- My Hero-sized Smart Miniatures are not read by the Teburu Core (RFID sensor).
- Be careful to place the miniature exactly over the circular slot on the core. Wait a few seconds.
- Be sure that the power supply prerequisites have been correctly followed. Teburu may turn on and connect but not function properly if underpowered.
- Remove any other Smart Miniatures from above the core.
- Momentarily remove any recharging dice before scanning the Smart Miniature.
- My Boss-sized Miniatures are not read by the Teburu Core (RFID sensor).
- Be careful to place the Boss-sized Miniature with the front side (as explained by the image on the game app) exactly above the circular slot on the core. Wait a few seconds.
- Be sure that the power supply prerequisites have been correctly followed. Teburu may turn on and connect but not function properly if underpowered.
- Remove any other Smart Miniatures from above the core.
- Momentarily remove any recharging dice before scanning the Smart Miniature.
- My Smart Miniatures are not detected by the Teburu Board sensors.
- Check that the game board is correctly placed on the Teburu Board: positioned against the Teburu Core and aligned with the external edges of the Teburu Board.
- Verify that the orientation of the game board is the same as indicated on the game app.
- Some spots/sensors of the map may be not available in terms of gameplay and therefore a Smart Miniature is not detected there.
- The Teburu Board is detecting the wrong Smart Miniature after I move it.
- Once the Smart Miniatures are on the board, only their position is detected. If the wrong Smart Miniature is detected, there may have been an accidental swap of miniatures - e.g. if a player tries to move a Smart Miniature representing a character not currently active.
- The Teburu Board is detecting a Smart Miniature where there is nothing.
- Check that you have always updated the position of the miniatures according to the directives given by the game app.
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